One of my favorite types of pictures to take is silhouette pictures! Especially at Sunset here is one of my favorites that I am entering into the Rock the Shot photo challenge!
Friday, August 5, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
Sing unto the Lord
"But I will sing of thy power; yea, I will sin aloud of thy mercy in the morning:
for thou hast been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble."
Psalms 59:16
Happy Monday Everyone
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Leasuance & Keenan - Couples
I absolutely loved working with this couple. They are such a sweet couple and I'm so grateful I had the chance to work with them! You can tell they are crazy about each other. I loved the moments during the photo shoot when Keenan would say something sweet to Leasuance and her face just lit up. Its those moments that I love to capture on camera.
Also check out Leasuance's Awesome boots!
I love how the color stands out in the pictures!
Love <3
Ah..... I just love photographing people in Love
Hope everyone has a lovely day :)
I will be posting many and I do mean MANY blog posts for the next few days
Many Blessings
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Cameron - Newborn
Hey everyone!!! Sorry I'm not keeping up with this as well as I should, but I'm working on it :) Anyways I was going through my albums trying to organize my pictures when I came across a newborn session I did back in March that just brought me so much joy! This little boy is ADORABLE!!!! When I took his pictures he was only three weeks old so he was tiny. But let me tell you, this little boy did not sleep at all, even after a few feeding breaks he still stayed wide awake through it all.
Every newborn session I do I carry some of my baskets I have collected and there is one that so far none of the newborns I had done a photo shoot with had fit except baby cameron. And he loved it! We were laughing because he was so comfortable in it you would have thought he was in a recliner, but enough of me blabbing about how cute he is I'll let you see for yourself

Isn't he Adorable!?!?!
I absolutely LOVE baby feet!!!
And no we did not pose him on this one.....
So as you can see this baby loves the camera! Most of the newborns I have shot most of the time slept through all of it! But Cameron, no he loved looking at the camera.
Be keeping an eye on the blog I'll be trying to blog more of some past photo shoots!
Hope you all have a blessed week!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Sorry it has been so long since I have blogged but classes this spring were CRAZY! But I also wanted to wait because of this little girl and her family's photo shoot. Why? You might ask, well this little girl and her mother have an amazing testimony and we want to share it with you! It may be long, but let me tell you it is one worth reading and I am still blown way with it every time I see Destiny.
This is Destiny
Looking at her she looks like any normal 9 year old but on June 14, 2010 her life and her mother's life would change forever. On June 14, 2010 it was like any other normal day for Donna and her family. Donna spent the day with all three of her daughters, Shyanne (12), Destiny (8), and Isabella (6). After eating dinner Susan Hardy (the girls "Mamaw") came and picked up the girls so Donna could go to work for a little while. Moments after Donna spoke with Shyanne on the phone while they were on their way to their Mamaw's house, Susan Hardy was turning her car onto the road that led to her house when a semi-trailer rig piled high with logs came over a hill with the late afternoon sun glaring at its back and smashed into her car, crushing and dragging it several blocks before coming to a rest.
Susan Hardy and Shyanne were pronounced dead at the scene while Destiny and Isabella had to be cut out of the crushed and burning vehicle to be rushed to Nacogdoches Memorial Hospital. At the hospital Isabella's injuries seemed to be more life-threatening so she was taken immediately to surgery while Destiny was being stabilized by the trauma team. Meanwhile, the emergency center staff was contacting Texas Children's Hospital in Houston to arrange a transfer of the girls as soon as possible. Texas Children's Hospital prepared to transport two injured children but Isabella passed away while in surgery, Destiny was transported to Texas Children's Hospital with Donna and arrived around 2 a.m. on June 15th.
The trauma team was waiting for Destiny when she arrived after evaluating her they found she had a right temple fracture and injuries to the bone around her left eye but no brain or eye damaged showed on the scans. She had fractures on both thigh bones, shin bones, and her right upper arm bone. Her left elbow was fractured and her right elbow was virtually crushed.
Destiny remained in the ICU for 12 days then moved into progressive care for a few days and a surgery impatient room for a few more before she was released to go home to Nacogdoches on July 9. By then her cuts and bruises had healed, her left elbow and right leg were responding well with physical therapy. She still had her right elbow in a cast and the metal device on her left foot and was in a wheelchair for a while. But after a few follow ups over several weeks she was able to go back to school in August with the assistance of a walker. She will have to continue physical therapy over the years and will have a few more surgeries but this amazing girl has recovered faster than expected thanks to lots of prayer!
Weeks before the wreak Donna had contacted me to schedule a photo shoot for her and the girls and I still remember the day I received the news of the wreak and just couldn't believe what had happened. I still remember having Shyanne, Destiny, and Isabella in my Sign Language class I taught at church and receiving a sweet hug before and after church from each girl. And let me tell you I cherish every hug I get from Destiny every time I see her, it always reminds me of the song "Look what the Lord has done."
After the photo shoot with Rual (Donna's Fiance), Donna, and Destiny, I had asked Donna if I could share their amazing testimony and Donna said "Yes, any time there is an opportunity to share it I do."
Rual, Donna, and Destiny
You can't tell me God doesn't have a plan for this little girl, she is truly a Miracle!
I know God has big plans for her life!
This Blog is Dedicated to Susan Hardy, Shyanne Hardy, and Isabella Hardy
Monday, March 28, 2011
New Blog!!!!!!!!!
I decided it was time to create a new blog! I obviously didn't keep up with the last one but hey what can I say? Between being a college student (and I'm actually not majoring in photography), teaching a class at church, working, and learning how to manage my photography business I keep pretty busy. But hey hopefully I can keep up with it this time. So to celebrate the new blog I'm going to do a review of some photo shoots from last year...................
My First Family Photo Shoot
After I received my Canon Rebel :)
The Meltons
My First Engagement Shoot
Jessica & Jonathan
First Newborn Hospital photo shoot
Lil' Fisher
My First Wedding
Mario & Jessica Mayorga
Jessica & Jonathan Coppinger's Wedding
Jodie's Family
Miss. Chloe & Miss. Claire
Mr. Payton
Melton/ Richardson Family photo shoot
And many many many more...... but why post all of them when I can post more later :) And don't worry there will be a post for each of these pictures and not to mention post for the photo shoots from this year! So stay tuned!
Many Blessings!
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